May 2022 "Month-in-Review"

Last month propelled the closure of our 2021-2022 Program Year at Forerunner. So many moments that we got to experience this past year were filled with God’s faithfulness as we saw boys in our programs grow as men of God. This growth came from relationships with their mentors, with their coaches and fellow forerunner brothers, and through partnerships with other organizations that believe #RelationshipsChangeLives. A month ago we were driving back from Camp Firewalker where the majority of our boys got to experience camping for the first time. We went from swimming in a lake to swimming in a baptismal (see what we did there) with 14 people within our community who chose to go public with their faith in Jesus. All we can say is thank you. If you’re reading this, thank you. If you’re a mentor or volunteer, thank you. If you’re a donor or have followed us this past year, thank you. It’s because of people and relationships that we get to do what we do. Here’s to more program years filled with God’s faithfulness and Him showing what He can do when we continue to show up, build up, and share Jesus in our relationships. Thank you.

Yes. You read that right. Our boys finally got dunked on. Not in basketball game sadly, but dunked on by their coaches in water! As many of you know, we are a faith-based program that teaches our young men how to follow Jesus in everything we do. As a part of this, we plan opportunities for boys who have made the personal decision to follow Jesus to celebrate that choice through a baptism ceremony. We define baptism as a public declaration that you have decided in your heart to follow Jesus. We see baptism as a thing worthy of celebration because it is a symbolic representation of the new life in Jesus that we get to receive when we put our faith in Him and leave our old ways behind. Last month, 12 boys, 1 mother, and 1 of our coaches got baptized! We are so thankful they got to take this amazing step in their faith here at Forerunner. These dunks weren’t televised on SportsCenter, but they sure were recognized and celebrated in heaven :) Pray that those who got baptized would continue growing in their faith in Jesus and one day baptize others! 

“I met a mom on the night of our baptism ceremony that I’d only ever talked to on the phone back when I enrolled her son. She was crying on that phone call. She told me about how her son was going down a bad path, and she blamed herself for thinking that she’d waited to long to intervene. She came to Forerunner in a state of desperation…literally saying “I’m scared that it’s too late. It's hard for me to ask this but I need your help.“

She saw her son be baptized that night.

“As iron sharpens iron, So one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17

Last month, some of the 6th graders graduating from our elementary program had the opportunity to pour out their wisdom to their Forerunner brothers:

”Always listen to your coaches”

“Read your Bible every day.”

“Do not hang out with people who make bad choices.”

“Don't talk back to people.”

“Eat your vegetables and drink protein to get taller, and be better at basketball.”

“Make new friends and grow in your relationship with God.”

And lastly, just a simple testimony:

“Before I was at Forerunner I was mean, but now I'm a lot nicer to people.”

We are so proud of these young Men of God who are standing out as leaders amongst their peers, and as role models for the younger boys coming up after them. Forerunners for the next generation.

Last month, our moms that we serve got to have one last dance together before the beginning of the summer. Ladies Night fell on Cinco de Mayo, so of course you can guess what the theme for the night was. The mother got to share a meal together, encourage one another, and get free massages!

“Last night was special. Our cinco de Mayo fiesta and Mother's Day combo was loud, tear filled, joyful, tender, and all the feels! These mothers relaxed and unwinded with a massage! The fajita dinner was delicioso! Opening their jewelry took their breath away! The massage company gave away two gift certificate drawings and the manager said “I need to find myself a group like this!” Forerunner Women are special and our fragrance attracts others. May we be light to this dark world. May they know we are Christians by our love, as Scripture says.” -Carrie Cassell, Women’s Ministry Coordinator

In it for the long haul.

This is Adam and his mentee Chitavius. They got matched back in 2015. They have been walking together for 7 years now. Last month, Chitavius graduated high school and stepped into a new chapter of his life. Into a new chapter of manhood. What would have happened if Adam didn’t step in as his mentor? What would his life look like today? We don’t know the answers to that, but what we do know is this: a man chose to step into his life and show up every day. That man said yes to showing up the next day, and the next day, and the next day. What became days turned into months and has now been years of walking together. Overcoming obstacles together. Learning what it looks like to be a man of God together. Walking out in responsibility, humility, integrity, leadership, and respect - together.

We believe mentors have the unique opportunity to shift the narratives that fatherless boys in our community may believe. To combat and kick out the lies that men don’t stick around, that they aren’t worthy of love and attention, that they will always be alone and live up to nothing. The boys we serve in our programs and those yet to be served in Lake Highlands are world changers and history makers, and we long to see them all matched with mentors. To see them in relationships that produce a confidence in them that carries on to their generation. That they may shout to their generation, future generations, and their children “You will never know what it is like to be alone. You will learn to love the things of the Lord and will fulfill your God-given potential!”

Thanks to men like Adam, young men and boys in our community like Chitavius have gotten to discover their potential. To discover that they are not alone and have someone who is committed to them for the long-haul. To discover that this is just the beginning of God fulfilling plans for their lives and discovering what they were made for. May this be the fruit and more for every mentor and his relationship with his mentee. #RelationshipsChangeLives

Healing from the inside out.

A tattoo has to heal from the inside out. The tattoo is actually under your skin because it pierces through the pigment. Once it heals it comes out through the skin looking beautiful. - Mark Bennett .

As Mark shared this story last month for guest speaker Wednesday I couldn’t do nothing but think about the lives of our young men. Through the pain they have been through and experienced, I know they will come out looking beautiful by God’s grace. They will show off the fruit (tattoos) of their lives to others.

-Darius Person, 9th-12th Program Coordinator

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